Research and Labour Market Intelligence 

Research has been at the forefront of establishing our organization. Over the course of more than a year, we spent time interviewing industry practitioners, hiring managers, and digital marketing trainers to determine where there were gaps in the digital marketing ecosystem. A number of things became clear:

  1. Hiring managers did not know how to verify if the digital marketing training candidates had received gave them the skills required to do the job(s) they are hiring for. 

  2. Digital marketing bootcamps and trainers across Canada were not being held accountable for developing programs that were up-to-date, skills development focused, and industry focused by training students on industry recognized platforms and tools.

Find the full scope of our research below. 

Downloadable Resources

  • The Digital Marketing Skills Gap in Canada

    The Digital Marketing Sector Council surveyed 630 participants in varying industries across Canada to understand more about the digital marketing skills gap when hiring across these industries.

  • Hiring Practices in Canada

    The Digital Marketing Sector Council surveyed 1,532 hiring professionals across Canada to better understand how hiring practices and workplace policies have changed as a result of the pandemic and remote work.

  • How Canada's Workforce Approaches Digital Skills Training

    The survey focused on the approaches to digital marketing training, funding opportunities across Canada, and future planning for digital marketing skilled employees.

  • Retention of Digital Marketing Roles in Canada

    Over 2,000 Canadian business owners and hiring managers participated to provide valuable insights around the average retention rate of tech and marketing roles, common themes behind employee departure, and implementation efforts that can assist in increasing employee retention going forward.